
微软推出了一系列名为Copilot的新产品. Copilot is an 人工智能 (AI) technology that’s built into the Microsoft environment, 它将改变人们的工作方式. 不管你是否已经使用过人工智能工具, Copilot deserves exploration because of its integration with your data in SharePoint and OneDrive, 以及像Word这样的应用程序, Excel, 和演示文稿.

Copilot is built on a type of AI called Large Language Model (LLM), a category of generative AI. LLM’s are a type of technology that utilizes a vast amount of text to understand language along with the nuances of how people speak and write. 法学硕士并不真正理解内容. 它们从给定的起点预测单词的逻辑顺序, 结果听起来像是人类的反应.

The starting point is called a prompt and the quality of the LLM output is determined by the input of the information included in the series of prompts. LLM’s, including Copilot, aren’t perfect and every output needs to be reviewed for accuracy. In fact, Microsoft includes a small print disclaimer to remind you of your responsibility.

如前所述,有许多产品使用Copilot的名称. We’re going to distill the three you’re most likely to encounter and then guide you into how you can get started exploring how this AI assistant can help you save time and be more productive in your day-to-day work. 但首先,让我们看看副驾驶能做些什么.


微软称副驾驶为人工智能助手,但请记住, 这是副驾驶,不是自动驾驶. 而Copilot的设计是为了简化和加快某些任务, it’s important to remember that it doesn’t replace human insight and decision-making. 它是用来补充你的能力,而不是取代你的工作.

Here’s what Copilot can do to enhance your workflow, all while keeping you in the driver’s seat:

内容创建: Compose an email in 前景; draft reports, articles or essays in Word; create a presentation in 演示文稿; create reports or visualizations from data; or even whip up code snippets.

获取信息: Get information from the internet or directly from your company’s own resources (if included in your subscription).

合作:与Microsoft Teams的集成, 循环, 以及微软365生态系统中的其他工具可以实现文档共享, 沟通, 任务管理等.

提高生产效率: Automate repetitive tasks like scheduling meetings in 前景 or crafting complex formulas in Excel to free up time for more strategic work.

弥合语言差距: Copilot可以翻译多种语言的文本, 促进与国际团队和客户的沟通.

请记住,这些是在副驾驶的基本功能的例子. You’ll find variations in what you can do depending on the type of subscription you have. 当你和你的组织学会使用副驾驶, 您可以自定义它以满足您的工作流和操作. 现在,让我们来谈谈三种类型的Copilot订阅.


免费-副驾驶在Windows 11

在Windows 11中, Copilot simplifies everything from adjusting PC settings to organizing your desktop, 节省时间,提高效率. 这个版本的Copilot还可以从网络上获取信息, 直接进入你的工作流程或通过任何你正在使用的Windows应用程序.

还包括用于照片编辑、视频创作和绘图的人工智能工具. +, 拥有先进的安全功能和人工智能驱动的必应聊天, 网上浏览更有效和安全. You can also utilize Bing Chat in Bing Search whether or not you have Windows 11 or the Edge browser.


Copilot Pro是家庭版和个人版微软365订阅的附加版, 目前的费用是每人每月20美元. 这个计划对于加快GPT-4的访问非常有用, an AI that helps with tasks like writing essays or putting together 演讲.

使用Copilot Pro, 你可以得到写作建议方面的帮助, 数据组织, 电子邮件管理, 和创意项目的想法, Excel, 前景, 演示文稿, 和OneNote. 您还可以使用Designer创建人工智能生成的图像,每天最多100张, 对于学校项目和个人创造力来说,哪个是一个有趣的工具.


微软365的副驾驶, 目前定价为每个用户每月30美元,并有年度承诺, 是专门为商业环境设计的吗. 它不仅与key集成 微软365 像Word这样的应用程序, Excel, 演示文稿, 前景, 和OneNote but also seamlessly connects with your organization’s data in SharePoint and OneDrive.

This means Copilot can access and utilize your business’s data directly to assist with tasks in a more informed and relevant manner. 例如, it can swiftly incorporate the latest project details into a 演示文稿 presentation or utilize historical data within Excel to forecast trends, all by tapping into the files and information stored in your SharePoint and OneDrive.


如果你用的是Windows 11或者你用过必应聊天, 你可能已经开始探索你可以用Copilot做什么了. 从商业版开始, 然而, you’re going to have to invest in a full year-long subscription for each employee. 这就是任命技术“先锋”的概念发挥作用的地方.

选择小的, diverse group from across your organization to dive deep into Copilot’s features can be a smart move. These technology pioneers will lead the way in discovering how Copilot can best serve your specific business needs. 他们将在各个部门试验它的功能, 从营销到运营, 提供有价值的反馈并确定最佳实践.

This hands-on approach not only helps in assessing Copilot’s practicality and efficiency but also in tailoring its application to enhance your team’s productivity and creativity. 此外, 这些先驱者将扮演内部影响者的角色, 分享他们的见解和成功经验, 为您的员工更广泛地采用开辟道路.


选择多样化的先锋: Identify employees from various departments who are open to experimenting with new technology.

设定明确的目标: 概述你想要用副驾驶实现的具体目标, 例如提高文档创建速度或简化工作流程.

提供培训和资源: Offer an introductory training session on Copilot’s features and ensure ongoing support is available.

建立反馈流程: 建立先行者定期分享经验和见解的机制, 无论是通过会议还是数字平台.

鼓励实验: Motivate pioneers to integrate Copilot in a variety of tasks to discover its full potential and limitations.

在组织范围内分享经验: Have pioneers present their findings to the rest of the organization through guides, 演讲, 或车间.

评估和调整: Use feedback from pioneers and their colleagues to assess Copilot’s impact and decide on any necessary adjustments before wider rollout.


你准备好探索Copilot在你自己的组织中可以做什么了吗? Start by identifying technology pioneers who can explore and evaluate Copilot’s capabilities tailored to your specific business needs. Learning how to use Copilot isn’t going to be much different than learning any other software. Invest in a few subscriptions yourself and your pioneers the freedom to experiment and the time to practice. You might be surprised at how quickly people pick up new skills and discover how having an AI assistant helps them to be more successful at their jobs.

效率更高、生产率更高的员工也会影响企业业绩. Starting down the path to Copilot adoption is an opportunity to leverage cutting-edge technology to maintain a competitive edge. 通过接受副驾驶, 你可以确保你的团队充分利用他们的时间和创造力, 专注于推动企业前进的战略任务.


The journey to integrating AI into your business is a step towards future-proofing your operations. 如果你准备好探索副驾驶能为你做什么, 或者如果您需要有效实现这个强大工具的指导, 澳门网赌大全网址. Our team is here to support you in navigating this exciting technological advancement, ensuring that your business not only keeps up with the pace of change but thrives because of it.

澳门网赌大全网址 today to learn more about how Copilot and our managed IT services can transform your business operations.
